If you’re investing in dental implants to replace your missing teeth, you’re making an excellent decision for both your oral and overall health. This leading-edge treatment can restore your smile’s natural beauty and function, all while providing countless benefits, like the prevention of jawbone deterioration with time. Even though your new replacement teeth are crafted from durable materials like porcelain and ceramic, while they can’t get cavities, they can become compromised due to other oral health issues. Read on to learn more about how your dental implants can become at-risk for failing and what you can do to keep them healthy.
The Good News: Dental Implants Can’t Get Cavities
Your implant restorations aren’t impacted by decay because they’re crafted from durable, artificial materials that mimic the natural look and feel of your teeth. However, just because this is the case doesn’t mean that you can relax on your dental hygiene routine. To ensure the success of your replacement teeth and get them to last as long as possible, following good hygiene practices is crucial.
What Problems Can Compromise the Health of Your Implants?
Even though you won’t have to worry about decay, dental implants can become compromised due to other oral issues, most commonly peri-implantitis, which is an infection. When harmful bacteria are left to accumulate within the mouth due to infrequent brushing and flossing, they can lead to an infection of the soft tissues and bone anchoring your implants within your mouth. This can occur directly after dental implant placement or years down the road, causing the posts to become loose and unstable, ultimately resulting in them failing if left untreated.
Some common signs of peri-implantitis include:
- Inflammation around the implant post.
- Pain or a fever.
- Difficulty or pain while chewing.
- A loose implant.
- Bad breath or a bad taste in the mouth.
- Pus or blood coming from the implant site.
If you notice any of these, seeing a dentist as soon as possible is absolutely crucial.
How Can You Keep Your Implants Healthy?
With an incredibly high success rate of up to 95 percent after five years of placement, dental implants rarely fail, especially with patients who avoid bad oral habits and maintain good dental hygiene. Here are some tips to ensure the success of your replacement teeth:
- Visit your dentist every six months for a checkup and professional cleaning.
- Maintain a good at-home routine of brushing your teeth twice a day, flossing daily, and rinsing with antimicrobial mouthwash each day.
- Protect your teeth from grinding or if you play sports.
- Quit bad oral habits like smoking or chewing tobacco.
- Maintain a balanced diet by avoiding eating an excessive amount of carbohydrates and sugars.
- Follow your implant dentist’s aftercare instructions.
If you have any questions about caring for your dental implants, you can always reach out to your implant dentist. With the right preventive practices, you can enjoy your beautiful, natural-looking smile for up to 35 years or longer!
About the Author
Dr. Lucia Troisi is committed to providing personalized, state-of-the-art dental care to her patients in Chesapeake. She has completed advanced training in orthodontics and dental implants at the New York University College of Dental Medicine as well as additional courses. Her favorite part of being a dentist is helping transform her patients’ smiles by filling in gaps left by missing teeth. Due to her extensive knowledge and experience, she’s able to complete the entire dental implant process in-house. For questions or to schedule a routine checkup and cleaning, visit Troisi Dentistry’s website or call 757-548-1611.